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Where does the team path to success begin? In this post, we share ten essential tips on how to improve team meeting discussions and describe five powerful methods that accelerate brainstorming sessions. IT professionals, this will perfectly suit you too.

团队的成功之路从哪里开始? 在这篇文章中,我们分享了有关如何改善团队会议讨论的十个基本技巧,并描述了加速集体讨论的五种有效方法。 IT专业人员,这也将完全适合您。


集思广益 (Brainstorming)

, in general meaning, is an idea creation method for generating numerous creative ideas in a short period of time. The process seems essential when a broad range of options, creative ideas, and participation of the entire group are desired.

广义上讲,是一种可以在短时间内产生大量创意的创意创建方法。 当需要广泛的选择,创意和整个团队的参与时,该过程似乎至关重要。

As an idea, brainstorming first emerged back in 1942. The process was introduced by Alex Faickney Osborn, the founder of BBDO, the famous US advertising agency. He described brainstorming as a creative technique inspired by the working atmosphere in the agency.

作为一个主意,集思广益最早可以追溯到1942年。这一过程是由美国著名广告公司BBDO的创始人Alex Faickney Osborn提出的。 他将集思广益描述为一种受该机构工作氛围启发的创新技术。

Osborn observed the everyday work in the office and found out that during the team meetings, the employees were not proposing brilliant ideas and creative solutions.


The brainstorming concept includes defining a problem for which solution different ideas are generated. These ideas are later accepted or rejected. The process accelerates the stimulation of human minds towards creative .

头脑风暴概念包括定义一个问题,针对该问题产生不同的想法。 这些想法后来被接受或拒绝。 这个过程加速了人们对创造性思考。

This group activity has become a revolutionary method that can find its use in startups and global corporations regardless of industries.



如何进行有效的头脑风暴? 10条规则 (How to run effective brainstorming? 10 rules)

充分准备 (Thorough preparation)

Even considering corporate ethics, it's important to announce a brainstorming agenda within a few days to let team members be prepared in advance.


A project manager/product manager or other meeting moderator notify all participants and reports the place and time chosen.


The subject of brainstorming defines who should be invited — a content specialist will unlikely be useful in development issues, and the financial director does not have to be present to discuss the concept of the company's blog and content plan.


正确呈现问题 (Presenting issues correctly)

When problems are formulated clear and correctly — they have more chances to be solved successfully. This is important to all team members. It is necessary to identify the problem without any additional clarifications.

明确,正确地解决问题后,他们就有更多的机会成功解决。 这对所有团队成员都很重要。 有必要在没有任何其他说明的情况下确定问题。

设定目标 (Setting goals)

Goal formulation is also crucial for achieving global results. The more clear data will be provided, the more efficient the brainstorm will be.

目标制定对于实现全球成果也至关重要。 提供的数据越清晰,集思广益的效率就越高。

Do not try to discover continents, just follow the great rules of the , setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound purposes.


思想产生 (Ideas generation)

It is predominantly the most important stage when you observe how real solutions to the problem are born.


Ideally, this is a continuous stream from the most trivial ideas to the great and amazing solutions. Most active participants usually present the most successful ideas during the brainstorming session.

理想情况下,这是从最琐碎的想法到伟大而令人惊奇的解决方案的不断源泉。 最活跃的参与者通常在集思广益会议期间提出最成功的想法。

思想的可视化 (Visualization of thoughts)

Downloading your thoughts will help to find a solution to any problem faster. Do not be lazy and fix your initiatives on paper. It will help to generate additional ideas or build a chain from abstract thoughts.

下载您的想法将有助于更快地找到任何问题的解决方案。 不要懒惰,不要将您的计划修正在纸上。 这将有助于产生更多的想法或从抽象的想法建立一个链。

Draw illustrations and charts or use professional helpers — convenient Kanban-boards with cards.


批评(但具有建设性) (Criticism (but constructive))

Actually, it is better without it at all. Remember that it is important to not only to listen but also to hear attentively. Do not interrupt your colleagues and let them speak out to everyone. Even the craziest idea has a right to exist. Unruled сriticism may bring down the pace or even offend but at the same time may improve brainstorming processes.

实际上,完全没有它会更好。 请记住,重要的是不仅要听,而且要专心听。 不要打扰您的同事,让他们向所有人讲话。 即使是最疯狂的想法也有权存在。 无节制的批判可能会降低步伐,甚至冒犯,但同时可以改善集体讨论的过程。

评估和优先级 (Evaluation and prioritization)

The stage of evaluating and ranking ideas begins after active discussions. This is the best time to remind about smart prioritization techniques and frameworks that empower brainstorming.

在积极讨论之后,才开始对想法进行评估和排名。 这是提醒有关智能头脑风暴技术和框架以激发灵感的最佳时机。

There are various online tools and apps aimed to make prioritization as part of the brainstorming process and visualize the most important and extra ideas.


For example, many of these tools propose to use the frameworks based on the Eisenhower 2X2 matrix.


The Backlog Priority Chart in Hygger.io provides the following criteria:


  • Quick Wins – for the prime ideas.

  • Big Bets – for ideas with high priority, but which can be executed later.

  • Maybes – the ideas with less value and urgency, they can be postponed.

  • Time Sinks – the ideas of the most recent priority.


第三方帮助 (Third-party help)

Discussions may reach a deadlock or the votes of the participants can be shared equally. If this happens, do not hesitate to call “fresh” heads.

讨论可能陷入僵局,或者参与者的票数可以平均分配。 如果发生这种情况,请毫不犹豫地称呼“新鲜”的头脑。

适度 (Moderation)

The coordinator of brainstorming should constantly manage the process of brainstorming and not «leave» the agenda even for a minute. There are always shy participants who do not speak out on time. It's important to track the timing, ask leading questions and give the voice to everyone.

集思广益的协调员应不断地管理集思广益的过程,即使一分钟也不要“离开”议程。 总是有些害羞的参与者不准时发言。 跟踪时间安排,提出主要问题并向所有人发出声音非常重要。

专心 (Attentiveness)

Do not be distracted and do not lose conclusions during the brainstorm. Fix all your thoughts to have the opportunity to return to them later and to analyze something again.

在头脑风暴期间,不要分心,不要失去结论。 修正您的所有想法,以便以后有机会回到他们的脑海,并再次进行分析。

Studying the subject, I've stumbled upon the Quora’s by Ron Gibori, the Head of Creative Dept at Ideabooth. Among the typical tips on how to improve brainstorming, he suggests the following:

研究主题时,我偶然发现了Ideabooth创意部主管Ron Gibori在Quora上的 。 在有关如何改善头脑风暴的典型技巧中,他提出以下建议:

Encourage «Individual Champions». Collaboration helps broaden understanding and perspectives, it unleashes ideas an individual may not have thought of by themselves. It’s the idea that no one else quite sees, it’s clear in the individual’s mind, but has not yet been illustrated or thought through enough to intrigue the group. That is the role of the Individual Champion.

Holding brainstorms, you are able to set your own rules or follow the principles of one of the famous methodologies created especially for successful discussion.



激发头脑风暴的5种技巧和做法 (5 techniques and practices for empowering brainstorms)

阶梯技术 (Stepladder technique)

Decision making may not always go smoothly. There can be more active participants and the team members who prefer to remain silent if their position does not gain the necessary power.

决策不一定总是会顺利进行。 如果他们的职位没有获得必要的权力,可能会有更多的积极参与者和团队成员宁愿保持沉默。

Stepladder methodology is one of the most simple but effective approaches for stimulating the entry of team members into the decision-making group.


Some people may gain credibility from the first minute and someone will need a lot of time to fight for recognition. This factor can be the reason why brainstorming can get out of control.

有些人可能从一开始就获得信誉,有些人则需要很多时间来争取认可。 这可能是头脑风暴可能失控的原因。

The Stepladder was described in 1992 by Steven Rogelberg, Janet Barnes-Farrell, and Charles Lowe. The technique motivates team members to participate on an individual level, without undue influence. It excludes the pressure from the more active team members and does not force people to “close”.

斯蒂芬·罗格伯格(Steven Rogelberg),珍妮特·巴恩斯·法瑞尔(Janet Barnes-Farrell)和查尔斯·洛(Charles Lowe)在1992年对《阶梯》进行了描述。 该技术可以激励团队成员以个人水平参与,而不会产生不适当的影响。 它消除了来自更活跃的团队成员的压力,并且不会迫使人们“关闭”。

Stepladder consists of 5 stages:


  1. Before the brainstorming, people learn the details about the problem that will be discussed. They form their opinions and ideas on how to accomplish the task or solve the problem.

    在进行头脑风暴之前,人们了解了将要讨论的问题的详细信息。 他们对如何完成任务或解决问题形成意见和想法。
  2. They form groups of two people and begin to discuss the problem among themselves.

  3. A third participant joins the group. He/she shares own ideas to the first two participants before hearing their ideas. After all three participants have presented their solutions, they discuss the possible options together.

    第三名参与者加入了小组。 在听取他们的想法之前,他/她与前两个参与者分享了自己的想法。 在所有三个参与者提出他们的解决方案之后,他们一起讨论了可能的选择。
  4. Then the fourth person joins the group and the process is repeated, and so on and so forth.

  5. After all team members have presented their ideas and discussed them, the final decision is being reached.


This systematic approach involves all group members and allows everyone to be heard.


德尔菲技术 (Delphi technique)

The Delphi method lets consider the opinions of all group members, by consistently combining proposals and conclusions.


The method is quite similar to Stepladder but its approach to brainstorming is quite different. All participants in Stepladder are equal.

该方法与Stepladder非常相似,但是其头脑风暴方法却大不相同。 活梯的所有参与者都是平等的。

Here's how it works according to Delphi. The coordinator controls the group and manages the flow of information. It assumes the anonymity of group members. Participants may not know who else is participating (while in Stepladder meetings are run face-to-face).

根据Delphi,这是它的工作方式。 协调员控制组并管理信息流。 它假定组成员是匿名的。 参加者可能不知道还有谁参加(在阶梯会议中面对面开会)。

This practice requiring more people. They are divided into two groups:

这种做法需要更多的人。 它们分为两组:

  • Experts to present their views on the problem.

  • Analysts to bring expert opinions to the common conclusion.


There are 3 consequent stages:


  1. The preliminary stage is about selecting experts (up to 20 people).

  2. The primary stage, when experts are studying the main question and break it down to the smaller pieces. Analysts select the most common questions and form a questionnaire. The experts receive this questionnaire and then they need to recognize if there is anything to add. They offer own solutions and explore alternative positions, assess the effectiveness, availability of resources and the relevance of solutions. Then the analysts identify the main opinions and try to bring them closer. The steps are repeated until the consensus is reached.

    初级阶段,当专家研究主要问题并将其分解为较小的部分时。 分析师选择最常见的问题并形成问卷。 专家收到此调查表,然后他们需要识别是否有任何要添加的内容。 他们提供自己的解决方案并探索替代职位,评估有效性,资源可用性以及解决方案的相关性。 然后,分析人员确定主要意见,并尝试将其拉近距离。 重复这些步骤,直到达成共识。
  3. The analytical stage is about agreeing with the opinions of experts, analyzing the results and final recommendations.


反向头脑风暴 (Reverse brainstorming)

It is always easier to communicate negative than positive. Negative emotions provoke to speak, so the reverse brainstorming can turn into an exciting event.

负面的表达总是比正面的表达容易。 负性情绪会引起说话,因此反向头脑风暴可以变成一件激动人心的事情。

The reverse method looks useful in case when more traditional approaches are no longer work.


This kind of discussion is a radical way to improve the team’s activity and come to successful outcomes from the opposite. Someone may name it as a negative process because instead of generating the best ideas, people are asked to offer impossible goals. Perhaps, the negative thoughts help the group members receive useful info about what does not work.

这种讨论是改善团队活动并从相反方面取得成功的根本方法。 有人可能将其称为负面过程,因为人们没有提出最好的想法,而是要求人们提出不可能的目标。 消极的想法也许可以帮助小组成员获得有关什么无效的有用信息。

The reverse brainstorming is effective when the company has got at “dead end” or the team members are burned out.


角色风暴技术 (Rolestorming technique)

The role-playing brainstorming is a game process, better suitable for creative teams. Sometimes this non formal approach allows to go beyond the accepted and get completely new ideas by presenting the problem on behalf of another person.

角色扮演集体讨论是一个游戏过程,更适合创意团队。 有时,这种非形式化的方法可以超越被接受的范围,并通过代表他人提出问题来获得全新的想法。

You can generate your ideas as whoever you want. Put on the mask of Napoleon, then imagine that you are Aretha Franklin or John Travolta.

您可以随心所欲产生您的想法。 戴上拿破仑的面具,然后想象你是艾瑞莎·富兰克林还是约翰·特拉沃尔塔。

Every group member describes own character and presents the challenge with its possible solution from the point of view of the person described. All ideas are discussed in the group.

每个小组成员都描述自己的性格,并从所描述的人的角度提出挑战并提出可能的解决方案。 所有想法在小组中讨论。

轮循 (Round-Robin)

To apply the Round-Robin methodology you will need to run a brainstorming session with the principle of circular ideas creating.


This lasts not as long as the previous techniques. The more participants, the better results will be achieved. The Round-Robin brainstorming is best conducted with a large round table.

这持续的时间不及先前的技术。 参与者越多,将取得更好的结果。 最好在大型圆桌会议上进行轮转式头脑风暴。

  • The moderator announces the problem to the audience.

  • Each participant writes own decision/solution on a sheet of paper.

  • All papers with the entries are sent clockwise to the next one.

  • Each group member should come up with their idea on the basis of the written idea and also write it down.

  • All papers are transferred and the rounds are repeated until every person returns his/her sheet. Finally, each participant receives his/her own “bank of ideas”. After that, discussions begin.

    转移所有文件,并重复进行回合,直到每个人都归还其工作表为止。 最后,每个参与者都会收到他/她自己的“想法库”。 之后,开始讨论。

选择什么方法? (What method to choose?)

You will definitely find your better approach to hold successful brainstorm sessions, but it will take some time.


Testing the techniques, you will find out that brainstorming is not a verbiage waste of time, but a real act of improving team productivity. Try them all and feel free to share your thoughts.

测试这些技术,您会发现头脑风暴不是浪费时间,而是提高团队生产力的真正举措。 尝试所有这些,并随时分享您的想法。




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